The usual wandering


Blood ~ I'll do it, so don't put itchy liquid



There is no material ..
Blog Read? Don't read? Can't read ??


So, Jojojojo crossed while looking at Mt. Fuji Dockern.

I don't know if the word "world heritage" is amazing, but Mt. Fuji is just amazing ..


POSEIDON OfMr. Ichikawa,Junko,Moto-chanAnd Fuji River check.

Waves die in explosions ..

Why did you move to Okutsugawa?


There was a Samoan ~
Everyone except me is a foreigner.

Mr. TodaI met again after a long absence.
It is a real 3S man though it is said to be a fat man who can move.
Surfing is a very light and light de ,,, u big senior.

This year's first surfing (slow) start from the power ring of 2 consecutive chans.

It's tiny ..

After this, he took me to eat the best dandan noodles in the world.
I was really happy
Mr. Ichikawa, feast.

And then, after thisStarting point Skating school.


A member of HuckleBerry, led by my best friend Yoshi, is visiting at the Shonan OPEN 2013 on the Kugenuma coast in a TEAM competition, so I'll meet you ...
Result isHuckle Berry HPAt

From the back of the venueGo Ueda"Osseyo