"THE DAY" 3rd day !!!!!!!

"THE DAY" 3rd day !!!!!!!
UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please have a look! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

What kind of day is "THE DAY" = "the best day"?
Snowboarder Shinpei Asaga, PUT (Keisuke Shimakata), and cameraman Kenichi Yanagita will take the lead in discovering the best day "THE DAY".

Delivered on the XNUMXth of every month! !!

The XNUMXth bullet will be delivered on September XNUMX, XNUMX! !! !! !!

The video includes a commercial produced by the video creation team TWO AND A HALF, so pay attention to the commercial! !! !! !!