"Breaking news" contract players, tournament result report head Snowboards Contract players have achieved good results in the tournament.It is an important selection race for joining the national team, and it is also a key point of the domestic race.

head Snowboards Contract players have achieved good results in the tournament.It is an important selection race for joining the national team, and it is also a key point of the domestic race.


Young contract players are playing an active part in the 1 JAPAN SLOPE OPEN NISEKO HANAZONO held on January 26th.
Rina Yoshiya @rinayoshika won the championship, Kanami Okuyama @kanamiokuyama in 3rd place, and Yuri Yoshiya @yuuriyoshika in 6th place.Congratulations on winning🔥🔥🔥
They all use Architect for the boards and NX FIVE for the bindings.SEVEN BOA boots (Rina Yoshiya is not used)


Kanami Okuyama @kanamiokuyama is in 1nd place, Yuri Yoshiya is in 27th place, and Rina Yoshiya is in 2th place in the slopestyle event of the Hokkaido Ski Championships held on January 5th.
Congratulations on winning㊗️
I look forward to a further leap forward.
We will continue to support the three people with a view to the world.🙏

Held every day, the players are doing their best to perform.I want you to take a rest and then make a new start.Thank you for your hard work.