☆ There aren't many SIA photos. .. .. Let me excuse! ☆

I was able to sign a Japanese tournament contract with Nikita's USA manager.

It was worth it to come to America!

So, feel free to wear apparel and face masks at the Wrong gear booth and click ☆

All the staff got along well and it was a great trip.

This time, the president of Wronggear prepared the hotel.

My teammate and American Fuel TV host Danny Kass invited me to go, "Mali, there's a NIKE party at night!" .. .. !!

On the left is Jeff, a Skull Candy salesperson, and his best friend Alice.

After this, for the happening that flew. .. .. .. !!

I was supposed to take a taxi from the hotel to the Nike party

Alice's rickshaw brother is Hot, so let's go. .. ..

But the rickshaw is a three-seater.We have XNUMX people.

However, for some reason, the rickshaw brother also said, "I'll take you!" .. ..

(Unpleasant premonition ... sweat)

And it's nice to start moving, but once I started running, it was too heavy to stop,

Even though it turned into a red light, I couldn't stop, and I was on the verge of contact with the car, and the horn was honked.

Pedestrians and car people cheered on our bizarre six-seater and stood out. .. ..

Moreover, most of the time, you can't stop at the red light.

I was about to get into an accident many times, and I was sitting on the roof one step higher than this photo, so I was about to fall down many times (> <).

As expected, I ran out and became a driver with a half cry

"Hey! F-K you! You told me to stop, right ?! Can't you hear me ?!

I'm a normal or weak girl from Japan!

If you yell at me, MF-ker! "

Alice said, "Mari, or a weak girl doesn't say that ...". .. ..

Then I heard a siren from behind and thought it was Police,

What a Red Bull promotional car has arrived,

"You guys are the coolest! This is Red Bull !!!"

He gave us a lot of Red bull for free!

It was like some kind of production, and when everyone went crazy and got excited and managed to get to the club,

My cell phone has disappeared. .. ..tears

So, all the photos I took with various people at SIA have disappeared. .. ..

Sick (> <)