"Our Mt. HOOD Life" movie released.

Yuri Okubo, Conrad Yamamoto, Kairin Onozaki, Satoshi Yoneno, Toichi Suzuki and the next generation riders who will be responsible for the future Japanese freestyle scene.
They spent valuable time with like-minded friends at the summer camp in Mt. HOOD, Oregon, USA this summer.

Mt. HOOD's high cascade camp has been attracting attention again in recent years.
It seems that some of them have visited this place for the first time.What kind of lifestyle and stimulus does summer HOOD have?
I would like to introduce it as one of the ways snowboarders spend their summer.

・ Session with overseas riders
・ Communication with friends
・ Exciting shooting
・ Afterlife, rice, chill etc.

I want you to feel those charms from this movie.
And after fully enjoying the coming winter in Japan, how about planning to go to Mt. HOOD next summer?No, let's hold down the tickets early in search of new stimuli!