

Shipping to you! # 2

Shipping work from morning today. The XNUMXth summer.Even now, riders gather from all over the world and XNUMX% of them are sorted and shipped with gratitude by their own hands.He has more than XNUMX years, even though everyone has a family and a life.I think this is really amazing.The fact that we ship XNUMX% through our own hands for XNUMX years, rather than good-looking branding and ideal theory, is what the UG. Brand should be, and the pride of our friends who have created it so far.Riders will pick up their supply at the end when the dealers and users have finished packing and cleaning up and have forgotten Takkyubin.Change from a sweaty and dusty T-shirt to a new one ... go for the best beer of the year!Wi!

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