
I went there ★

I got lost because I didn't know the location, but I managed to arrive safely!

Bacoon !!! Doocorn !!! Zugoon !!!

No no (-_-;) That hurts ( ̄ ▽  ̄;)

I started to slide while thinking (゜ ゜ ゜

Thanks to Kings, the brushes got used to it, and I managed to get rid of the brush phobia.


It hurts ... Water (ToT) It hurts if you drop it strangely.

It was fun today because various people talked to me!

540 I want to do it, but please tell me!I'm watching the blog!Toka Toka

I showed you bad things, but I wonder if it's okay ( ̄ □  ̄ |||)

Is it okay ( ̄ ー +  ̄) lol

And finally



Is painful

It can't be normal! !! !!

Everyone who talked to me today ★

Thank you (^ ▽ ^)

Thank you, Mr. Nakamura of o-air ★

I will go again ( ̄ ー +  ̄)

I'm too sleepy and it doesn't make sense ...

Good night ♪