


Recently, I have received emails from people all over the world.The owner of the gallery, the artist I admire, and the person I haven't seen in a long time.I didn't take any action, I didn't talk about anything, and the countries, jobs, and genders shouldn't be connected, but all of them gave me almost the same content. ..It was all a very happy "word" for the future.Do these things overlap so much?It's really strange to be impressed by the experience I've had for the first time in my life.Of course, not everything goes well easily, and it takes a lot of effort and a lot of pressure to connect this wonderful feeling, but now, a lot of wonderful people are pushing my back toward new goals. It feels like pushing me. XNUMX.Your life will change a lot. My inner world, BYSDNT CRY., Makes a big step forward.I would like to keep my feet firmly on the ground and do my best calmly.