

To you who have never met.

Already.Let me tell you.

There is no more view of Berlin that you saw with him.

His leap at home and abroad after you're gone is clear.

That is all the answers.So what?

You saw that leap.And you who are involved in it

The current situation is that he can't stop his leap even though he rushes under the surface every day to get money from him.

It would be very frustrating.

It's been two years since then.

Your jealousy and distorted obsession, which still keeps pulling his legs,

As the same woman, no, it's hard to understand as a person,

It is a pity that such a person was involved in BYSDNT CRY. Even if it was only XNUMX mm.

I know that this kind of social transmission is seen by everyone in the world.


It's been two years since then.

You who are still pulling BYSDNT CRY.'S legs from the shadows

"The fact that I still look into the transmissions of me and Ai every day" remains as evidence (data).

To be honest, it's creepy every day, and I and Ai continue to feel scared.

Despite losing the trial that I sued from there

The "obsession" that he is still appealing again.fear

That's why Ai stopped sending Facebook and Instagram,

I'm asking for the baby who lives in Ai's stomach, so please stop that creepy act.

I, Ai, and the publishers

I'm busy every day to advance the expression "BYSDNT CRY."

Until now, forever, forever, forever.I've been patient for a long time, but ...

I'm already at the limit of my patience because of your insidiousness and discomfort.

And you.

Be sure to look at this post

The human nature is already a cult.

I don't want you to get stuck in BYSDNT CRY.

That is the true intention of me, Ai-chan, and the people involved.

BYSDNT CRY. Is a realistic document for men and women.

This is also a realistic document.right?
