18-19 model Free riding model "PILOT" thorough commentary


18-19 model head Snowboards Thorough explanation of "PILOT". It is a concept as a free riding model in the lineup of head Snowboards.We are good at carving, high speed free riding, powder, jumping, half pipe, and it is set to slide at medium speed or higher.

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Hybrid Camba POP shape is adopted for the shape


It has high carving performance and is a shape that supports the height of the ollie and blows snow spray in free riding.


A highly slippery sintered sole is used for the sole.Die-cut sole is not used to emphasize gliding


Adjustable insert hole to adjust stance according to slip

head Snowboads values ​​adjusting the weight controls on the board to improve performance.It is adjusted according to the model concept.


PILOT improves performance by reducing the weight of the nose area.Hexagonal cores have been deployed in the nose area to maintain sufficient durability and have succeeded in reducing the weight by about 200g per core.When sliding powder, the lighter nose is more likely to float when loaded with both feet.In other words, buoyancy can be obtained.Also, in free riding, the load on the hind legs becomes important after stepping on the front legs at the time of introduction of the turn.Load the hind legs to transfer power to the edges so that the board does not come off at the end of carving.In other words, if there is a weight in the tail, the load can be done efficiently and the turn with outstanding sharpness can be done efficiently. Our answer is that PILOT will perform better if the nose is 200g lighter than if the overall weight is XNUMXg lighter.It is the result of repeated tests of product staff and contract players.

Now, what kind of riding is the best board for you?Let me introduce you.

First is carving.


Power carving that does not shift to the end

Rider / Hayata Akakawa

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Carving that is possible because the load is firmly applied to the tail even if the board is tilted down to this point

Rider / Hayata Akakawa


Turn to cut through the snow-packed burn

Rider / Hayata Akakawa



Rider / Hayata Akakawa

Yamato Maehara is a powerful free rider with PILOT on powder and icy slopes.His comment is a reliable board with stability and strength in all conditions.He says it's a very good board for turn performance and straight-line stability.

Rider / Yamato Maehara

There is no doubt that "PILOT" is for enjoying snowboarding based on free riding and jumping and pipes that make use of basic gliding.The slightly stiffer flex and the good load on the tail will surely support riding.

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