Yunomaru one-make tournament

I went to Yunomaru as a judge.

I was honestly prepared because I wouldn't slip at all today, but it's really cold ...
It's colder than when I was a judge at the SNOVA tournament.

The video also creates an atmosphere where the face seems to be cold.

I'm doing the tournament like that, but I'll put the winners of the final and their slips very roughly.

The temperature was cold, but everyone was hot! !!
Saturday was a Gachiwan make competition, but tomorrow Sunday seems to be a style battle!
Anyway, it seems that the content is style-oriented, so I think there will be a lot of cool tricks.

I will go to the one-make camp in Iida's Araragi Plateau every year tomorrow, so I can't go to see it, but everyone who participates, please do your best! !!

That's why I'm going to storm tomorrow! !!

Finally, thank you for your dream! !!