Second person today

Snowva people.

Mr. Fujita.

I was an employee, but recently quit.
And an advisor on weekdays?support?I was in a good position.

That's because he independently set up a snowboard shop in front of Kuji station (less than five minutes from Snowva) next to Tsudayama station where Snowva is located.

The name of the shop is "BRAST".

It seems that the store's website has been launched today. I haven't heard the URL, but can I find it by searching for "BRAST SNOW"?

Since it is a fledgling shop, we are planning to increase the product lineup from now on, but by making full use of his career as a brilliant intra, he is pushing lessons to the front from the beginning.

It seems that the customers of the shop will have a drinking party on the 27th, but I will also go out to play.

If you live in the neighborhood, please come visit us.

By the way, it is open only on weekends.
Because on weekdays, Fujita himself is in the ditch.

〓Choco Vanilla Ball Arai〓