Nice to meet you☆ 

Doo ~ mo ~ ☆
Nice to meet you! !

This work "Close the lid of the toilet seat! I'm Ryuji Takai from "Meha", who has been appearing since "Ryuji Takai" ☆ lol

The previous article said that you wanted to be anonymous, but who uploaded it? ! Σ ( ̄Д ̄;)!
There seems to be a bad senior ...
Please don't put out such an embarrassing photo ~ (; ゜ д ゜) lol
But it was a lot of fun at that time ☆ lol

I really enjoyed this two-day event! !!

The people who came to the event, the people involved, the Morispo staff, the ist crew, the Li'l crew, and Sachi-chan who opened and called this event! !!
I'm really thankful to you! !!

I wasn't used to standing in front of an event like this, so I was pretty nervous and tempered, but I'm thinking of trying my best to get used to it! !!

Thank you for your continued support of Ryuji Takai ☆