Last JIB lesson

I thought it would end last month, but I had a jib lesson in December too.
This weekend's jib lessons are the last of the events, competitions and lessons at Snova Mizonokuchi before the snowy mountain season!
I did a lot in the groove this year's off-season ~ Everything was fun and a good experience!I want to connect this again next time!
Thank you to everyone who participated, cooperated, sponsored manufacturers, and Snowva !! I have one more jib lesson left!

Yes!Let's enjoy intensively while hiking up with BOX, mini rail etc. by chartering the inside of the half pipe this time as well!I'm going to put on a side-in lipstick because it's so popular! In the BOX!
I want to know the tips of side-in from the participants every time!It's the first time!There are many people!After the lesson, some of the tricks that everyone can do at the center in can also be done from the side in!
A video clinic will be held on the TV monitor in the room during the lesson, so I think it's a good opportunity to review your slipping habits!

Tagken class has a capacity of XNUMX people, so thank you!We are waiting for the participants!

For receptions and inquiries, please contact SNOVA Mizonokuchi directly by phone!

Details can also be found on the SNOVA homepage.