Influenza recovery

I'm finally feeling better ~ ♪

I stayed home for about XNUMX days after I came to Hokkaido.

Don't leave the house for the time being, sleep, look at the samurai, look at the red eye, look at the prison break, read Captain Tsubasa or repeat it (laughs)

Well, thanks to that, it has improved perfectly ☆

But even after healed, this life may not have changed much (laughs)

Photo, Fumio

Fumio is going to America from today, so I sent him to Chitose Airport.

I said I was worried if I could slip because I haven't slipped at all since May, but Fumio can slip right away (laughs).

I will go to America from the XNUMXrd of this month ☆

From the left of the photo, I, the priest

Today, I went to the osteopathic clinic after sending Fumio ♪

The priest next to me has been examining my body for about two years, and every time I return to Hokkaido, I have been examined.

I heard that the store opened in Hachiken from July of this year, so I went there for the first time ☆

There were quite a lot of machines in the shop, and the water bed was especially bad ♪

Well, the worst thing is the priest's massage, but ↑↑↑

Thank you for your time today.

My body has improved ☆

With this, you can practice the American expedition firmly.

If you are in Hokkaido, please go and see it ♪ 

You'll feel really good.

Hachiken Osteopathic Institute: Hachiken XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX, Nishi-ku, Sapporo

It is also featured in this month's Trans World ☆

From the left of the photo, Korota and Reeves

These two are healed every day ☆

I stayed home because of the flu, but it wasn't painful because I had Korota and Reeves ♪

But maybe I got the flu because I was with me all day.

I haven't been doing well since yesterday.

Maybe it's because I'm overweight and I'm sick again (laughs).