the report.

ご 報告 で す。

[Report] in the title of the blog
If you write, the number of viewers will increase significantly.When

I came from YF, a senior gorilla lol

It ’s a private matter,

(It's not a marriage w)

This time, I will transfer to [SPY], which handles eyewear.Thank you for your new start and new encounters.

I'm looking forward to seeing all the big seniors who have been very good at SPY and working together in the future.

I would like to continue to move forward step by step so as not to lose to myself, so please support me.


This was my first time to experience a transfer.
There are encounters and farewells ...

The contract is really like a couple,
It was really painful to say goodbye.

Smith who has supported me and made me better.Thank you very much.

Mr. Ito who was in charge of Smith

I have been supported by a tune-up called Krypton and GALLIUM, so I will continue to take care of it.

I am really grateful to Mr. Ito for gently pushing me back because I was worried about the transfer.


This goggles I'm using


The lens is a happy lens.

The Happy Lens is a lens with clear irregularities, and it shows outstanding power on cloudy days when it is difficult to see with a flat light.

The frame is big and it has a small face effect,

I've been using it every day this year and it hasn't become cloudy yet.







This is also a happy lens.

It's really cool.

It is also very comfortable to wear.

SPY has a very cool and mature image, so you have to be mature to match it! !! !!

Spy riders, spy users, please be assured that you are not a spy of another company lol

I look forward to working with you ❤️