☆☆☆ Louvre Museum ☆☆☆

I'm in Paris

I decided to go to the famous Louvre Museum ♪

I happened to go to the museum on July 7th, so admission was free.

I'm lucky (♥ Ü ♥)

It is still a national anniversary due to the French Revolution on July 1789, 7!

The Louvre was really nice ♪

The three-dimensional sculptures are precisely carved in every detail such as the shape of the muscles.

These were already made hundreds of years ago. .. .. !!

There are many works and I took a lot of pictures,

I will post some of the most famous works (^ _ ^)

Many of the museums have oil paintings related to Christ

It was a sculpture of the gods in mythology.

Winged Victory of Goddess

Sports brand

The name of Nike Nike seems to be derived from this goddess.