I went to play snow magic.

I went to Snow Magic, one of the biggest events in the off-season!

Club warehouse in Nishi-Azabu.

Who is the person in the foreground?Is it Tomoki?
Many people came in the typhoon.

Actually, I'm like coming to play with a little inspection.
But as I remembered when I arrived, YONEX had a booth! !!

So I did a little work.
Presenter of YONEX PV screening and lottery.
This was called the (Aono) decree, but we both let it go up on the stage.

He declared a medal for the Sochi Olympics.Good luck! !! !!You can do it if you order! !!

These two are from candy, Mr. Mizuta and Mr. Fujimori.
I was shooting with the flow.

We had a preview of candy and fanta movies, and live performances of Asairi Ryota and BOD, which are familiar in HEAVEN NIGHT.There didn't seem to be a lot of PR time or lottery for the sponsoring manufacturers, but I was always drinking and wandering around.

I came to play after a long time!It was an event that I was able to spend with a feeling, and I really enjoyed it! !!